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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Coming of Age

Coming of Age book
   In Teen Angst?Naaah.. by Ned Vizzini, Ned explains his life in high school and how he matured. Ned was a smart student that always studied. When he was in 7th grade he studied for the SHSAT. He studied an entire vocabulary book that contained a million words. He also studied and made flash cards and he did that EVERY day. This shows how serious he is about the test. When the test came, he got a perfect score. However in high school things start to change. He became more social and started going out with his friends. After 2 years, has smoked pot and drank alcohol one time. He argued with his mom about his curfew and this was a large change from who he used to be. He matured a lot, but his likes and dislikes still stayed the same.